Harness EMPIRE
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The two point belted harness POLARIS provides protection against falls from a height. Body support designed to stop a fall, it distributes the forces left after the arrest of a fall across the whole body. Equipped with a positioning belt, it can be used in a positioning system such as working on ladders, pylons or vertical structures.* Features: Lanyard keepers * Webbing: Polyester webbing width 44 mm * Attachment points: 2 fall arrest attachment points: 1 dorsal D-ring and 2 sternal webbing loops 2 positioning D-rings on the belt * Buckles: Pass-Through buckles * Adjustments: Adjustable sternal and leg straps * Positioning belt: adjustable, with cushioned back pad and 2 tool rings * Breaking strenght: > 15kN * Weight: 1,48 kg* Lightweight * Sternal and leg straps of different colours * Lanyard keepers
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